CURSO 2021-2022
Del 21 al 28 de marzo nuestros alumnos de 4º ESO y 1º bachillerato viajarán a Irlanda para realizar una inmersión lingüística con familias.
Del 19 al 22 de abril los alumnos de 1º y 2º ESO irán a un campamento multiaventura en inglés para realizar una inmersión lingüística dentro de España.
Viaje a Irlanda de alumnos de 4º ESO y 1º de bachillerato 21-28 de Marzo de 2022
Ayer, 22 de Marzo, los alumnos de la inmersión en Irlanda subieron a Bray Head, desde donde pudieron disfrutar de unas vistas espectaculares.
CURSOS 2019-2020 y 2020-2021
Los programas de intercambio lingüístico destinados a alumnos de 3º y 4º de ESO han sido suspendidos debido a la situación excepcional provocada por la pandemia. Se retomarán en cuanto las condiciones sean las adecuadas para ello
CURSO 2018 - 2019

This year’s language immersion programme took us to Kent, the county located on the southeast of England. The 3ESO students went to Westgate, a coastal village, while the 4ESO students were in Faversham, a 1000 year-old city located on a winding creek.
We learnt about the local history (Faversham has got the oldest market in Kent) and the different cultural features that define the English character. We also visited Canterbury and its awesome cathedral as well as the magnificent London. For sure, an experience to remember and repeat next year!
CURSO 2017 - 2018

Profesor Angel Ysern’s Language Inmersion Programme? Not only did we practise the English language in everyday lessons but we also learn so many other things… We experienced a whole new way of living. We tried delicious meals, like the popular full Irish breakfast. We visited wonderful cultural and historical sites, such as Dublin’s Trinity College, the Cliffs of Moher or Galway’s Spanish Arch, some local shops, even a nightclub! Some danced to traditional music and some played hurling and Irish football. We also learnt Gaelic and interacted with locals. But above all, we all became true members of lovely Irish families who made our stay there so fun and rewarding. We are looking forward to visiting you again next year!